RML Regionalmanagement Lavanttal GmbH
Minoritenplatz 1
A-9400 Wolfsberg
Tel.: +43 4352 2878
Fax: +43 4352 2878 9
E-Mail: office@region-lavanttal.at
commercial register: FN 293144 w
commercial register court: Landesgericht Klagenfurt
UID-Nummer: ATU63368867
Picture Credit: RML Regionalmanagement Lavanttal GmbH, Kärnten Werbung M. Steinthaler, Kärnten Werbung Carletto photography, Franz Gerdl, community, Benedictine Monastery of St. Paul, Museum in the Lavanthouse, Kartsport Friesacher, accomodations and TVB´s.
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