pilgrimage in Lavanttal
to pilgrim = to find oneself
At the moment pilgrimages are experiencing a renaissance.
BENEDIKTWEG - path of Benedict
from Spital am Pyhrn to St. Paul/Lavanttal
MARIENPILGERWEG - path of Saint Mary
14 important Churches of Mary from Maria Rojach/Lavanttal to Maria Luggau/Lesachtal (ca. 266 km)
HEMMAPILGERWEG - path of Saint Hemma
8 routes via various stations from Styria, through Carinthia to Slovenia
JAKOBSWEG - way of Saint James
the most famous pilgrim's route to Santiago de Compostela leads also through Carinthia and the valley Lavanttal
7 stations and about 150km through Carinthia
(contact:Dr. Johannes Maier, +43 664 6202 218, Email: joh.maier@icloud.com)
For detailed Information about pilgrimage at the valley Lavanttal,please contact the "Association Benediktweg" at the Benedictine Monastery
St. Paul:
Hauptstraße 1,
9470 St. Paul
Homepage: www.benedikt-bewegt.at
+43 (0) 4357/2019-54 Rectory St. Paul
+43 (0)676/8772-7145 Maria Wright, tour guide pilgrimage